Every birth is unique. Childbirth education should be, too.

The origin story.

“There has got to be a better way to do this…”

That’s what I used to think when I taught traditional childbirth education classes.

I would teach a room of 10 expecting families who had gotten up early on a Saturday morning, commuted into the city, paid for parking, and were now sitting in an 8-hour group class trying to retain as much of the information I presented as possible.

It was long.
It was tiring.
It was impersonal.

And at the end of every. single. class. families would line up to ask me personal questions — important questions — about things that weren't covered in the previous 8 hours.

I knew there had to be a better way to deliver childbirth education.

And now there is.
Childbirth education tailored uniquely to you.

The difference.

  • We talk about more of what matters to you, and less of what doesn’t. That’s the benefit of live, personalized childbirth education tailored to your questions and needs.

  • We want everyone to have the best birth experience possible. Personalized childbirth education can empower you with the information that you need to set goals, manage expectations, and feel better prepared for birth.

  • No need to wake up early, commute, and sacrifice a Saturday. No need to show up after a busy day of work (or two). Instead, schedule a class for a day and time that are convenient for you.

  • Instead of paying for several, subject-specific classes to learn what you may want to know, you can get more of your questions answered during a live, one-on-one, personalized class.